Stacking Units

Stacking Units

Shop Stacking Units

Available with 14” or 18” high cages. These units are available fully assembled or in precut kit form. Kits have the door and door guard installed in the front panel and all other parts cut to size. Inswing or outswing doors are available. Basic unit includes cages, leg sets and galvanized metal pan. Shown with  optional urine guard and wheels

Basic Unit Size Basic Unit Parts Assembled Unit Price Kit Price
24x24 3 Comp 270.00 243.00
24x24 3 Comp with Plastic Pans 304.20 277.20
24x30 3 Comp 287.50 260.50
30x30 3 Comp 311.90 284.90
36x24 6 Comp 371.60 317.60
36x24 6 Comp with Plastic Pans 418.25 364.25
42x24 6 Comp 395.85 341.85
48x24 6 Comp 420.10 366.10
48x24 6 Comp w/6 24x25 plastic pans 519.85 465.85
Optional Accessory Accessory Price
Urine Guard 1.75 per piece
Baby Saver Wire 8.00 per compartment
Solid Metal Dividers 4.00 each
1/2x1 Wire Dividers 3.00 each
Castors 45.00 per set of four
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